I don't know when this all started, but if I ever "go postal", I'll very likely start picking off those pedophiles trolling through residential neighborhoods trying to make their money off little children. There is nothing beneficial to society about these types that roll around playing music to attract children...
Does anyone know anybody that does this for a living? I think it must be some sort of secret society, where they all clamor around each other, and they are their own only acquaintances. Why is this shit still legal? Hell, I don't even have kids--but the thought of these creeps rolling around doing whatever it is that they do--I don't handle it well...
Look at this asshole.
This dipshit stole a brinks truck before he started his kiddie trolling..
Then there's this fucking freak. See what I'm talking about here...
Now, is this really necessary? Can it possibly be real? All it contains is a whole bunch of inside tricks, I'm sure, that lead....
To this...and to whatever cheap motel those perverts have lined up and paid off in advance.
Now, I don't know why, but most of these disturbing images were British. And most of them have windows that aren't tinted or covered up...but you get the idea. There's definitely something wrong here. There was an exceptionally bad looking pic with Russell Brand, but he found it necessary to copyright the living hell out of it, so you can't be quite as bothered by it as I am. But the American ones I've seen lately seem...dirtier. More...disgusting. I guess maybe I'll have to hit the streets with the camera, and follow up on this kind of half-assed effort.