Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Long Form

Sometimes, it’s good to have a little hope. I hope every day that our country can get over its petty differences and illogical discourses about things that don’t matter. It would be nice if we could collectively agree to disagree on certain issues, and get on with the heart of the subject matter.

I’ve read some news today that is one hundred percent predictable, and highly discouraging. There is a substantial element of the population that simply refuses to admit/believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America.

The President, amidst some understandable confusion at the trading deadline.

If you would like a list of issues with which one might take objection with the man, the following is a start:

1) Increased governmental mandates of health care requirements
2) Budgets that do not reflect the dire state of the country’s finances
3) Sluggish employment gains
4) Failure to achieve meaningful and productive collaboration among the legislative branches.
5) Inability to break down inter-party lines for effective negotiation
6) Perhaps he plays too much golf.
7) He is a Democrat (for you non-Democrats out there)
8) He is not a Republican (for you Republicans out there)
9) He is a Hawaiian (for those who hate Hawaii)
10) He is part-Kenyan (for those who hate Kenyans)
11) Plummeting dollar against world currencies
12) Continuing wars abroad
13) Nothing near a balanced budget
14) He is a Chicago White Sox fan.
15) He is not fat.
16) He is tall.
17) He has a beautiful wife, who happens to be the First Lady.
18) He is not British Royalty.
19) He has a Blackberry.
20) He is a government employee.
21) Massive trade imbalances
22) Rising commodity prices

Some of these reasons for dissatisfaction are stupid. They are, however, legitimate statements of occurrence. And I could list hundreds more.

There are many reasons I am neither a registered Republican nor Democrat. The easiest summation is that they are equally driven to cater to the wildest elements to solidify their voting bases. Right now, it looks to me that the Democrats are simply clueless, while the Republicans (at least a very large percentage thereof) are batshit crazy.

Okay, we might be getting somewhere now. Unfortunately, over 50% of fucking Republicans who might stumble upon this issue will notice I have not included anywhere on the list “He is not an American.” Temper your disappointment and confusion for a while, and think about why this might be the case.

When Obama was inaugurated, the following were Supreme Court Justices of the United States:

Appointed by Ford:
John Paul Stevens

Appointed by Reagan:
Antonin Scalia
Anthony M. Kennedy

Appointed by GHW Bush:
Clarence Thomas
David H Souter

Appointed by Clinton:
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Stephen G Breyer

Appointed by GW Bush:
John G Roberts
Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr.

I’ll make an assumption here that Supreme Court Justices are at least as reasonable as the general population, and that they probably have demonstrated some history of better than average judgment in their judicial careers. That’s keeping the bar pretty low, but bear with me here, you feisty Republicrats…

Somehow, these nine men and women, seven of whom were appointed under Republican administrations, were duped into thinking Barack Obama is an American citizen. That has to sit very poorly among those convinced otherwise.

I guess it’s getting a lot harder these days for people to simply state they hate him because he is Black.

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